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Hébergements et Réservation

The Vélomaritime, nearly 1,500 kilometers of cycle route linking the English Channel to the North Sea

Camping Armor LoisirsCamping Armor LoisirsCamping Armor LoisirsCamping Armor Loisirs

The Vélomaritime, nearly 1,500 kilometers of cycle route linking the English Channel to the North Sea

The Vélomaritime links Roscoff in Brittany to Dunkirk in the North, passing in particular through some mythical sites such as the bay of Morlaix, the Pink Granite Coast, the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, the Landing Beaches, the Bay of Somme, the Opal Coast or the cliffs of Etretat.
Today more than 90% complete, the continuity of La Vélomaritime will be ensured during 2021.
In the Côtes d'Armor, the famous Vélomaritime crosses exceptional sites just a few pedal strokes from the sea. Among them, we find in particular: the cap of Erquy and that of Fréhel, Paimpol, the island of Bréhat , and the Côte de Granit Rose.
To find out more info on the Vélomaritime and to discover the entire route, it's here!

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