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Hébergements et Réservation

Special offers

Special offers 3 star campsite

La Côte de Granit Rose

Home > Special offers

Special offers, last-minute deals, long-stay offers... Book now at Camping*** Armor Loisirs on the Côte de Granit Rose in Brittany for a low-priced stay.
Discover all our offers for an unforgettable stay at Camping Armor Loisirs!
In just a few clicks, discover our accommodations and book directly online!
Click here to access our offers: Link to our offers


Contact & Accès

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Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 12h et de 15h à 19h

02 96 23 52 31 9h/12h30-14h/18h



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"Parfait" France , 17/08/2024

"SUPER SEJOUR" OISE, DU 27/07 AU 03/08/2024