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Hébergements et Réservation

Tourism in the area

Ploumanach village préféré des francais 2015, 12 km from camping armor loisirs - Camping Armor LoisirsCamping Côte de Granit Rose - Walks and hikes  - Camping Armor LoisirsCamping Trébeurden - Camping on the Pink Granite Coast - Camping Armor LoisirsLa Côte de Granit Rose - 3-star campsite Armor Loisirs in Trébeurden near Perros Guirec-Côtes d'Armor-Bretagne - Camping Armor LoisirsCamping Trébeurden - Beaches of the Pink Granite Coast - Camping Armor Loisirs

Tourism in the area


Beach, farniente and water sports will be on the programme for your stay on Camping Armor Loisirs in Trébeurden, situated at only 500 metres of one of the most beautiful beaches of the Côte de Granit Rose.

Leaving from the campsite, also discover the authentic region full of surprises. Between land and sea, the Côtes d'Armor are scattered by treasures: a wealthy natural, architectural, cultural and gastronomical heritage, unspoilt islands, charming beach resorts... and plenty of leisure activities for the entire family.


© LE GAL Yannick (n°1), BERTHIER Emmanuel (n°2 et 3), LARGI Gilles (n°4) and TORSET Pierre (n°5) / CRTB

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