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Tria vela - sea excursions from Trébeurden

Sea excursions with Tria Vella - Camping Armor LoisirsDiscover Molène Island off the coast of Trébeurden - Camping Armor Loisirs

Tria vela - sea excursions from Trébeurden


Discover the Pink Granite Coast by sea!

Presentation of Tria Vela
Tria Vela offers sea excursions from Trébeurden on the Pink Granite Coast. They provide various types of trips: the signature excursion to Locquirec, the escape excursion to the Bay of Lannion, the gourmet excursion with local product tasting, the getaway excursion, and the sunset excursion. The trips last from 1.5 to 4 hours and showcase beautiful landscapes and hidden treasures. Reservations are made online, and the trips depend on weather conditions.
For more details, visit their website [Tria Vela](
### Excursion Prices with Corresponding Details
Here are the prices for the different excursions offered by Tria Vela:
1. **Signature Excursion** (Tréguier and Locquirec):
   - Price: €60
   - Duration: 3 hours
2. **Escape Excursion** (Port-Blanc and Lannion):
   - Price: €55
   - Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
3. **Gourmet Excursion** (Trébeurden):
   - Price: €50
   - Duration: 2 hours
4. **Sunset Excursion**:
   - Price: €40
   - Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
For more information and reservations, visit their website [Tria Vela](【7†source】.
Excursion Prices with Corresponding Details
Here are the prices for the different excursions offered by Tria Vela:
1. **Signature Excursion** (Tréguier and Locquirec):
   - Price: €60
   - Duration: 3 hours
2. **Escape Excursion** (Port-Blanc and Lannion):
   - Price: €55
   - Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
3. **Gourmet Excursion** (Trébeurden):
   - Price: €50
   - Duration: 2 hours
4. **Sunset Excursion**:
   - Price: €40
   - Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
For more information and reservations, visit their website [Tria Vela](

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Vos avis comptent !!!

"Excellent Séjour à Armor Loisir Trébeurden" VANNES/FRANCE, Séjour du 20/04/2024 au 27/04/2024

"Parfait" France , 17/08/2024