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Hébergements et Réservation

An indoor play area for toddlers

indoor play area for toddlers at armor loisirs trebeurden campsite - Camping Armor Loisirs

An indoor play area for toddlers

An indoor play area for toddlers: guaranteed fun and safety!
At the campsite, we also think of our youngest guests! Discover our indoor play area specially designed for toddlers, where they can have fun in complete safety, whatever the weather.
An area designed for toddlers: Playful and colourful, this play area is designed to stimulate children's imaginations and give them plenty of fun.
A variety of activities: Early-learning games, mini trampolines, miniature slides for your little ones to discover, play and develop.
Perfect whatever the weather: if it rains, our youngest campers will be able to have fun under cover while enjoying an area specially dedicated to their well-being.
A safe area supervised by parents: Parents can accompany their children or watch them quietly while enjoying a moment of relaxation.
Give your children a space where they can play, explore and meet new people in complete peace of mind. Because at the campsite, keeping the little ones happy is a priority! 

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Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 12h et de 15h à 19h

02 96 23 52 31 9h/12h30-14h/18h



Vos avis comptent !!!

"super séjour et camping" limoges, 2 au 9 mai 2024

"Excellent Séjour à Armor Loisir Trébeurden" VANNES/FRANCE, Séjour du 20/04/2024 au 27/04/2024