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Hébergements et Réservation

our table tennis area

our table tennis area camping armor loisirs trebeurde - Camping Armor Loisirs

our table tennis area

Discover our outdoor table tennis area: fun and conviviality guaranteed!
Want to share a sporting and friendly moment with your family or friends? Take advantage of our outdoor table tennis area, ideally situated under a canopy to guarantee optimum comfort, whatever the weather.
Located close to the other leisure facilities, this friendly area is accessible at any time of day. Remember to bring your own rackets and balls or ask at reception, subject to availability!
Whether you're a keen competitor or just looking for a moment of relaxation, our table tennis area guarantees you moments of pleasure and sharing. 

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Contact & Accès

Vous avez une question à nous poser ?

Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 12h et de 15h à 19h

02 96 23 52 31 9h/12h30-14h/18h



Vos avis comptent !!!

"super séjour et camping" limoges, 2 au 9 mai 2024

"Parfait" France , 17/08/2024